
In this section, we will explain the methodology for calculating the final score of our rating reports. Specifically, each report undergoes a comprehensive scoring process that directly influences its overall rating. We will now delve into the details of this assessment:

How we calculate C4R Scoring?

To determine a project’s rating, we first calculate a comprehensive score, which then directly translates into its final rating classification. The process can be summarized as follows:

Rating Score Consideration
AAA+ ➜ A- [100,66] Excellent
BBB+ ➜ B- [65,46] Average
CCC+ ➜ C- [45,0] Poor

The scoring is based on a maximum of 100 points, distributed across three critical evaluation blocks: 50 points for technological assessment, 35 points for token economy design, and 15 points for strategic analysis.

For additional details, please see our rating reports or submit an inquiry through our contact form.